Two years after this tragedy, survivors turn to the Human Rights CouncilShare this via Facebook Share this via Twitter Share this via WhatsApp Share this via Email Share this via Share Share this via LinkedIn Share this via Reddit Share this via Telegram Share this via Printer(Beirut) – During its September 2022 session, the UN Human Rights Council is expected to adopt a resolution to create an impartial fact-finding mission into the explosion that devastated the port of Beirut, said demanded a coalition of 11 human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch, today on the second anniversary of the tragedy.Here is their statement:We, the undersigned, Lebanese and international organizations, call on the members of the UN Human Rights Council to vote on a draft resolution at its next session in September 2022 in order to send to Beirut, as soon as possible deadlines, an independent and impartial mission to investigate the explosion of August 4, 2020. The mission should determine the facts and circumstances, including the root causes of the explosion, with a view to establishing state and individual responsibilities and to supporting justice for victims.The Beirut port explosion was one of the largest non-nuclear deflagrations in world history.It sent shock waves through the city, killing at least 220 people, injuring more than 7,000, and causing extensive property damage.A preliminary investigation conducted by Human Rights Watch accredits the potential involvement of foreign companies, as well as senior Lebanese political and security officials.Two years later, the nationwide survey has stalled, with no tangible progress.The Lebanese authorities have repeatedly obstructed the process, sparing politicians and other responsible individuals interrogations, prosecutions and arrests.Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Legal Action Worldwide, Legal Agenda, and the International Commission of Jurists have identified a host of procedural and systemic flaws in the conduct of this investigation, including gross political interference, immunity granted to high-level politicians, non-compliance with fair trial standards and violations of the rights of the defence.The politicians suspected in this case filed more than 25 requests for the dismissal of the judge leading the investigation, Tarek Bitar, and other magistrates seized of the case, leading to the repeated suspension of the investigation while the investigation of the business.The latest round of legal challenges filed against Judge Bitar resulted in the suspension of the investigation since December 23, 2021.It is now more than ever evident that the national investigation cannot bring justice to the victims, requiring the establishment as soon as possible of an international fact-finding mission mandated by the United Nations Human Rights Council. UN."I'm still breathing, but I'm dead inside," said Mireille Khoury, mother of Elias Khoury, killed by the explosion at the age of 15.“It is my right to know why my son was taken from me and who is responsible.It is my son's right and mine.So far, Lebanon and the international community have failed us, the victims and survivors of the explosion.»Survivors and families of victims have previously sent two letters to member and observer states of the Human Rights Council, urging them to support a resolution establishing such an international inquiry.Another letter, which went unanswered, was sent to the High Commissioner for Human Rights in March 2022. The international community has ignored their requests regarding the importance of shedding full light on the explosion, in order to break the cycle of impunity at a crucial moment in Lebanese history.“As authorities continue to blatantly obstruct and delay the ongoing national investigation into the port explosion, an international investigation is the only way to achieve justice,” concluded Diana Semaan, Deputy Director by Interim Amnesty International.“The Lebanese authorities have tragically failed to protect the lives of the inhabitants and have since opposed the legal fight for the victims.»The explosion in Beirut is a tragedy of historic proportions, resulting from the failure to protect the fundamental right to life, and its impact will be felt far beyond the reconstruction of the city.Establishing the truth about what happened on August 4, 2020 is a critical foundation for making adequate reparations and moving forward, as well as reducing the risk of similar disasters happening in the future.The thousands of people whose lives have been shattered and the millions more who have seen their capitals destroyed deserve nothing less.“As the national investigation has stalled for two years, we call for an independent and impartial fact-finding mission into the Beirut port explosion,” said Antonia Mulvey, executive director of Legal Action Worldwide.“Getting justice and uncovering the truth is absolutely vital, not only for the victims, survivors and their families, but also for Lebanon, which cannot rebuild on shaky foundations.»Mwatana for human rightsThe Socio-Economic Justice Initiative - MAAN and Beirut607Swiss Accountability Now FoundationThe Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP)Tunisian League for Human RightsAn Investigation into the August 4 Beirut BlastShare this via Facebook Share this via Twitter Share this via WhatsApp Share this via Email Share this via Share Share this via LinkedIn Share this via Reddit Share this via Telegram Share this via PrinterHRW defends human rights in nearly 90 countries around the world, highlighting violations and calling for translationSubscribe to our alerts (in English) on human rights around the world.Human Rights Watch is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 13-2875808