The City Council project 'Elx, connected city' has received the backing of the Generalitat Valenciana with a grant of 100,000 euros.The local government, which has been working since 2015 on the project that aims to allow the institution itself and all citizens to make the most of the possibilities of information technologies, has seen its effort recognized in the call for aid from the Program Territoris Innovadors managed by the Ministry of Innovation, receiving the highest score and the largest possible funding.Of the five axes in which 'Elx, ciutat connectedada' is articulated, a subsidy has been obtained for number three, "Reduction of the Digital Divide through Wi-Fi Infrastructure", which seeks to prevent groups from being excluded from the digital society through the creation of a free Wi-Fi access network in public spaces, civic centers and social centers in the urban core and the districts, and which is framed in the European initiative WIFI4EU for whose next phases in the districts of Daimés, Asprellas and Santa Anna has been requested also European funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.The Councilor for Innovation, Ramón Abad, has highlighted in this regard that "it is a very ambitious project, which raises levels of coverage that are unparalleled at the Spanish level, with more than 200 access points in the municipal area, and is fully aligned with the Valencian Digital Agenda and with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the UN 2030 Agenda, which seeks to guarantee access for all people to basic services and new technologies”.For her part, the mayor of European Projects, Patricia Macià, pointed out that "the aid highlights the need to align municipal action with the European priorities of digital transition and green transition, so that European funds are a lever for the transformation of Elche.This subsidy is received for a project that has already been executed, and we want to allocate those additional 100,000 euros to increase our chances of raising funds by working along these lines”.The Territoris Innovadors program offers competitive assistance to the best municipal technological innovation projects.Two project modalities are differentiated: high-impact innovative projects such as the one presented by the Elche City Council, and pilot projects, concept tests prior to implementing larger projects.The proposal from the City Council, assessed by a technical commission, obtained a score of 94 points, the highest of the 40 presented.This has translated into a €100,000 grant, the highest amount that could be applied for.Alcoi (83 points) and Vila-Real (78) followed the proposal from Elche.Within the framework of the same programme, the City Council is participating in the Municipis Innovadors initiative.Work is being done with Las Naves of the Valencia City Council on the development of a municipal innovation strategy inspired by the 'Missions València 2030' initiative.After the participation of the municipal technicians in two days of work held in the Capital del Turia, a third one is scheduled to be held in Elche at the end of September, and which will result in a first draft of the document.This project is also financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of EDUSI, being included in line of action number two: “Development of the Elche Smart City Platform”.