Goletta Verde in Cagliari from 15 to 18 July, discover the program!

2022-07-15 18:50:39 By : Mr. gongda fan

From Friday 15 to Sunday 17 July 2022 Goletta Verde in Cagliari to talk about biodiversity, protected marine areas and sustainable tourism.Goletta Verde in Cagliari: From Friday 15 to Sunday 17 July 2022 Goletta Verde in Cagliari to talk about biodiversity, protected marine areas and sustainable tourism.17-19 On board of Goletta Verde, moored at Calata Via Roma at the corner of the Maritime Station: From Life DELFI to target 30%.Protection of biodiversity, protected marine areas and sustainable tourism for a bluer Sardinia.Legambiente talks about the protection of ecosystems and endangered species, about the importance of reaching the goal of 30% of protected areas by 2030. On the occasion, the Mayors of the Sardinian districts awarded with the 5 sails of the Blue Guide of Legambiente and Touring will be awarded Italian ClubParticipants: Annalisa Colombu, president of Legambiente Sardinia Marta Battaglia, director of Legambiente Sardinia Katiuscia Eroe, spokesperson for Goletta Verde and national secretariat for Legambiente Federica Barbera, Protected Areas and Biodiversity Office of Legambiente Gianni Lampis, Councilor for the Environment of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia Stefano Monni, Mayor of Baunei Piero Casula, Mayor of Bosa Andrea Abis, Mayor of Cabras Massimo Marras, Director of the Marine Protected Area "Sinis Peninsula - Island of Mal di Ventre" Fabrizio Atzori, Municipality of Villasimius and director of the Marine Protected Area "Capo Carbonara" Salvatore Sanna, Federparchi Vice PresidentMayors of the Municipalities of the 5 Vele districts and of the coastal municipalities of Sardinia;Presidents of the national and regional parks and of the MPAs of Sardinia19 - 20 On board of Goletta Verde - Visits to the boat and educational workshops for children.Delphi Lab - Species, behaviors and threats: let's learn how to protect dolphins and our sea8 pm - On board Goletta Verde - Sustainable scientific aperitif by Life ClimAction on the theme of the climate emergency, offshore wind and biodiversity.Open meeting of the crew of Goletta Verde, together with Katiuscia Eroe, energy manager of Legambiente and Valentina Basciu, coordination of young people from Legambiente Sardinia and Enrico Concu, ClimAction Leader, accompanied by the music of the Banda Sbandati.The initiative is an opportunity to host the fifth stage of the Caravan for Climate, promoted by Legambiente as part of the Life ClimAction project which aims to inform the community on the issues of the UN 2030 Agenda, the European Pact for the Climate and the Green New Deal.10.00 am Under the Regional Council, Via Roma Public meeting: “Wind to the future.Offshore wind for the energy conversion of the country "Present: Annalisa Colombu, president of Legambiente Sardinia Stefano Ciafani, national president of Legambiente Katiuscia Eroe, national energy manager of Legambiente Marta Battaglia, director of Legambiente Sardinia Vincenzo Tiana, energy manager of Legambiente SardiniaInvited were: CV (CP) Mario VALENTE, Cagliari Port Authority Maritime Direction;Prof. Massimo Deiana, President of the Port Authority of the Sea of ​​Sardinia;Christian Solinas, president of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia;Gianni Lampis, Councilor for the Environment of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia;Anita Pili, Councilor for Industry of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia;Regional Councilors;Sardinian parliamentarians;Mayors of the coastal municipalities of Sardinia;Labor unions;Fabrizio Pilo, DIEE University of Cagliari;Giorgio Peghin, Scientific Resp. Master II level Landscape Architecture - UniCa;Pierantonio Addis, DISVA University of Cagliari;Monsignor Giuseppe Baturi, Archbishop of Cagliari and Secretary General of the CEI;Maurizio De Pascale, President of Confindustria Sardegna;Carmelo Spada, WWF Sardinia Delegate;Monica Scanu, President of Fai Sardegna;Graziano Bullegas, President of Sardegna Italia Nostra;Max Sirena, Team Director & Skipper Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli;Sandro Catta, President of the Cagliari Order of Engineers;Michele Casciu, President of the Order of Architects;Claudio Atzori, President of Legacoop Sardegna;Renato Murgia, Motorboat Owners' Associations, Confcoop.FedagriPesca Sardinia;Giovanni Angelo Loi, AGCI Sardinia.5.30 pm Poetto Beach Marina Piccola - Flash Mob - photo opportunity, Legambiente brings a postcard to the beach… from the future!Goletta Verde activists invite swimmers and citizens to see with their own eyes the panorama of the next offshore wind farm off the coast.7.00 pm at Calata Via Roma at the corner of the Stazione Marittima Conference “From the trunk to the pirogue.Performing boats in prehistoric times.Spaces, times and ways of navigating between research and challenge ".In collaboration with the Obsidian Museum of Pau (OR) Speakers: Ignazio Sanna, underwater archaeologist Carlo Lugliè, director of the Obsidian Museum of Pau (OR), DLLBC University of Cagliari Alfonso Stiglitz, archaeologist Annalisa Colombu, president of Legambiente Sardinia Katiuscia Eroe, spokesperson for Goletta Verde and the national Legambiente secretariat10 am - Sailing with Goletta Verde for "A Park for the Santa Gilla Lagoon" The initiative is part of the planning process for the establishment of a Regional Natural Park for the Santa Gilla Lagoon, integrated into the context of the urban system of the cagliaritana area, an unmissable opportunity for the protection, safeguarding and tourist development actions of an area of ​​extraordinary naturalistic value, which preserves an exceptionally varied and significant cultural heritage.In the presence of Annalisa Colombu, president of Legambiente Sardinia Marta Battaglia, director of Legambiente Sardinia Katiuscia Eroe, spokesperson for Goletta Verde and national secretariat of Legambiente Ahmed Naciri, president of Legambiente Cagliari Maria Laura Orrù, mayor of Elmas Antonello Deidda, president of Legambiente Assemini The following were invited: Gianni Lampis, Councilor for the Environment Autonomous Region of Sardinia Stefano Secci, President of the Molentargius Saline Regional Park Giacomo Porcu, President of the Gutturu Mannu Regional Park Mayors of the Municipalities of the Santa Gilla LagoonThe press appointment is at 9.30 aboard Goletta Verde, moored at Calata Via Roma on the corner of the Stazione Marittima.The return is expected by 12.30.Journalists and journalists interested are invited to participate to register by Saturday 16 July at 6 pm, by writing to This email address is being protected from spambots.You need to enable JavaScript to view it.as the number of seats on board is limited.17-19 On board of Goletta Verde - Visits to the boat and educational workshops for children.Delphi Lab - Species, behaviors and threats: let's learn how to protect dolphins and our sea7.00 pm at Calata Via Roma at the corner of the Stazione Marittima Public meeting: “The sand is ending”.After water and air, sand is the natural resource we consume the most and in order to extract it, they damage the ecosystem in which we live in a disastrous way.Speakers: Anna Maria Musinu, chemist Mariano Casu, chemist Luisa Pani, DICAAR University of Cagliari Annalisa Colombu, president of Legambiente Sardinia Katiuscia Eroe, spokesperson for Goletta Verde and Legambiente national secretariat10.30 am Naval League Headquarters via S. Caboto - Lungomare Su Siccu.Press conference to present the data on the quality of the water monitored by Goletta Verde along the coasts of Sardinia.Speakers: Annalisa Colombu, president of Legambiente Sardinia Marta Battaglia, director of Legambiente Sardinia Katiuscia Eroe, spokesperson for Goletta Verde and national secretariat of Legambiente Alessandro Augello, president of Aipe (Italian Association of Expanded Polystyrene). Invited: Gianni Lampis, Councilor for the Environment of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia;Alessandro Sanna, Arpas Director;CV (CP) Mario VALENTE, Port Authority Maritime Direction of Cagliari;Franco Piga, President of the Abbanoa Board of Directors _Find the complete program here https://golettaverde.legambiente.it/tappe/cagliari/Copyright © 2002 - 2022 - Paradisola by Domenico Corraine - 09127 CAGLIARI