The Department of Education adheres to the "Dirittincomune" initiative -

2022-05-27 21:51:00 By : Ms. Iris Cheng

Civitavecchia - The town hallCivitavecchia - The town hallCivitavecchia - We receive and publish - The Department of Education of the Municipality of Civitavecchia adheres to the "Dirittincomune" initiative, promoted by Unicef ​​on the occasion of the thirty-first year of the Italian ratification of the UN convention on the rights of children and adolescents, with the law n.176 of May 27, 1991.Since the convention became part of the country's legal system, the vision of childhood and its rights has progressively changed, oriented towards the development of all aspects of the life of children and adolescents, entrusting institutions, at all levels of government, the mandate to apply the principles enshrined therein, which become an integral part of public policies, programs and decisions."The adhesion to this initiative by the Municipality of Civitavecchia - declares the commissioner Monica Picca -, is a commitment to put the rights of children at the center of every policy, but at the same time to promote an image of the city as a place that accepts, welcomes and values ​​differences and diversities, characterized by inclusion, participation and collaboration ".The kindergarten and the municipal infant-toddler centers, through the Facebook page "Civitavecchia Municipal Educational Services", have promoted activities dedicated to this day using the hashtag # dirittincomune27maggio, with the aim of promoting a positive message inspired by the principles of the Convention , which highlights the need to educate children in a spirit of understanding, tolerance, friendship between peoples, free from prejudice and discrimination.Furthermore, on the occasion of this day, each child will be given a "Passport for rights", valid for life."Our idea - continues Councilor Picca - is to be inspired by the principles of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, considering it not only as a pillar of juvenile law, but also a pedagogical guide that promotes the right culture of childhood .The message is that of wanting to enhance and put into practice the principles of the Convention, a very important document because, for the first time, girls and boys were considered as citizens capable of having opinions and making decisions and not just as people who they need assistance and protection ”.Active Network for Viterbo: the Super Fiber 1000 Mbits can finally be activated with an Evolved WIFI router.With Active Network you have all possible coverage: TIM, FIBERCOP, Open Fiber, FASTWEB.We reach over 34,000 addresses in Viterbo and its province Only for Viterbo and its province 10 months at 14.90 and then 22.90 forever !!!Don't miss the chance: check coverage by clicking here The offer expires on 4 September 2022Copyright Tusciaweb srl - 01100 Viterbo - PI 01994200564 GDPR information