The operator can connect the optical fiber to your home.Do you sign a contract and wait only for the installation team?First, there are a few important things to keep in mind, not only in the context of the web itself, otherwise you may be surprised.What is FTTH itself?This is currently the fastest method of home use to stay connected to the Internet.It has much more possibilities than the still very popular ADSL (the widely available Neostrada is based on ADSL and copper lines from the very beginning, in contrast to its Fiber variety).Most often, operators offer maximum speeds of up to 1 Gb / s (the minimum offers are usually 50 Mb / s, and more often 100 Mb / s), and even in several parts of the country with a very limited range of up to 10 Gb / s.Often the differences in price are small, especially up to certain speed limits, so it is not worth choosing the lowest variant.Another thing is that having the network all to ourselves, we probably won't get 1 Gb / s on a daily basis from various internet services.FTTH stands for Fiber To The Home, which is one type of FTTX broadband network.There are several individual methods.Typical FTTH is an optical fiber directly to the outlet in the house or apartment.In blocks of flats and tenement houses, FTTB (optical fiber to the building) is also used, which is often simplified (especially by some Internet operators) called FTTH technology.Then the optical fibers are led to the main switchboard in the block (or several points in the building), and to end customers via coaxial or Ethernet cables.What do technicians start with to make high-speed fiber optic available in our home?From inspection, but the first real job is excavation.The team will most likely be equipped with a mini excavator.Alternatively, they may squeeze less invasively without a trench all over, but rather not over such long stretches.The vehicle may run over flowers or have problems due to the need to avoid buildings, e.g. gazebos.Let's check where we have telecommunication wells under the house and if there are several of them, ask from which the connection will be made.On the route from her to our house, you need to dig a hole.Digging is like digging.It will more or less affect the home plot.Let's think about this aspect in advance so that there won't be an unpleasant surprise.Let us also consider paths made of stones or made of slabs or cubes, concrete spouts and trees.Everything on the road must be picked up or avoided if possible.Most likely, we will have an initial visit by a representative of the assembly team earlier and then it is good to discuss the fiber optic route.Bringing it to the first floor is additionally associated with ladders, so it is good not to have a mess under the facade of the building, and the rest as in the entire area of work.The ground floor will be a faster and less troublesome option, but it is not always the most appropriate place.In my case, it was the second floor on the side of the house.Renovation is slow, and the same for the neighbors, so the extra work was not a problem.It was just a strip of grass.It is a good idea to take photos and notes (preferably with the help of a measuring cup), so that later when working with, for example, connecting natural gas, you do not break the optical fiber.Installations that can be aerated are in a better situation (in terms of invasiveness).Then the whole process of digging for the laying of optical fibers bypasses us.Though the trees and buildings between the line and the final home are also to be considered.The question of physically connecting an optical fiber is only half the story.The second is the equipment we have - this knowledge may be useful not only to FTTH owners.Most likely, the operator will offer us its own router during the subscription.For the less demanding, this may be a good option.You will not have to worry about the correct operation and if you have a very old router, the new one should turn out to be more interesting than the current one.Advanced users should rather think about a modem, but this is not always an option.Operator routers are not always bad, but if we are looking for specific possibilities and the strongest parameters, we will probably not get them in the operator model.I was based on the already well-functioning wired and WiFi infrastructure (main router, additional WiFi access point, switches), so I chose the modem itself.And if the operator presses the router by force, and you actually prefer something else?Both routers can be connected.For example, we set them so that ours will only broadcast WiFi (we turn off or redirect the DHCP server and connect the service provider's router to a socket other than WAN), and the operator will take care of the rest.You can also configure the network differently.The router of the service provider will work as a modem (it will actually be a router, but we connect it to the WAN socket, we do not turn off DHCP on our router).In both cases, it's good to deactivate WiFi in the operator's router (as long as we have access to the panel or at least a mechanical switch) - why interfere with our better wireless signal?Alternatively, you can try to buy a modem that meets the requirements on your own, if our Internet provider does not offer them.Fortunately, the local company I use fiber optic links offers modems, so I chose this option myself, having a good base of routers and other network elements.Only one cable was plugged.Previously, it led to an LTE router from T-Mobile's unlimited offer, which basically acted as a modem and had WiFi turned off.The cable now connects my router to the fiber modem.Then I entered the appropriate settings given by the technician.Do not be afraid, the fitter himself can do everything for you, in my case there was no need.If you do not know each other well enough about the network, it is his duty, if he installs a connection in your home.You can even configure IP TV on your device.A router is not required from the company that supports you.It is enough that individually purchased supports IP TV.Another thing (the same as with the general change of the operator's router or modem) is whether the operator provides data at all that allows you to set your own router and / or modem and there is nothing to such practices.If not, then unfortunately the equipment from the service provider must be there, because by trial and error, nobody will set it up.The first place in the modem signal path is the wired WAN input on the router.So what if the deal says 300 Mbps if the router only supports Fast Ethernet 100 Mbps?It can have such parameters on the WAN socket (to the modem) and other LAN (leading to other devices in our house).Even when using only high-speed WiFi, we need to take care of it, otherwise the router's input will limit the Internet transfer in the wireless network.Yes, there are cheap routers where WiFi is faster than cable.These are peculiar "trap routers" that are better avoided.Wired 1 Gb / s router connection to the computer will not work properly if the PC itself has a poor 100 Mb / s network card.Fortunately, it's unlikely that fairly recent hardware would have such a slow interface.For years, even in cheaper computers, Fast Ethernet networks are forgotten in favor of gigabit networks.If there is a switch between the router and the computer or other equipment, it must also support Gigabit Ethernet.Routers, wireless access points and our end devices (laptops, smartphones, etc.) should support the ac network standard or newer ax (in the renamed WiFi 5 and WiFi 6), which provides better speeds than found in cheaper WiFi n devices. what to assume the Internet, e.g. 500 Mb / s, if our WiFi sends at most 150 Mb / s?Old laptops or network equipment will not let you enjoy full speed.Be sure to take a look at their hardware specifications available on the web.In fact, all network interfaces of each equipment in our house must support Gigabit Ethernet and fast WiFi ac or ax.The obtained speeds depend on the link, but also on the weakest link between the Internet and the computer.For example: we have a 200 Mb / s connection, a router with 1 Gb / s inputs and Wifi AC1900, between a 100 Mb / s switch, and finally a laptop with a 1 Gb / s cable card and AC1200 WiFi.After WiFi, we should get 200 Mb / s, there will even be a reserve, but the cable transmission lowers the slow switch.You have to replace it, or connect your computer directly to this high-speed router.By the way, we will gain a lot on communication within the home network.We will be able to comfortably use, for example, network drives or transfer files directly between computers.Some of the points may seem obvious, but sometimes even simple things will fall out of our minds and only think about them when something goes wrong.The summary can be limited to a few aspects.Plan where the cables to the connection will go through your property and make sure that your routers, computers or other devices have a fast enough network to fully support the new Internet connection.